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Two young Somali-Americans dedicate time and resources for the drought stricken Somalis

Hiiraan Online
Sunday, December 04, 2016

Minneapolis (HOL) - Two youmg Somali American  activists named Libaan Adan and Khalid Mohamed in Minneapolis have dedicated time and resources for the drought affected people in Somalia.

They have created an initiative at GoFundMe and they have almost achieved their initial target of collecting USD10, 000. They are in their early 20s but they are already visionary leaders.

They have collected an estimated $1000 per day since they have started the campaign on  GoFundMe and on social media in late November.

Libaan and Khalid told Hiiraan Online that they call their friends and relatives to be able to contribute and they visit Somali business people and asked them to contribute.

'Once we have realized the status of Somalia at present moment, the problem posed by the droughts in our country, we have decided to do this task'. Libaan told HOL.

Khalid said the contributors who have already sent them money for the campaign live in different parts of the world such as Israel, Europe and America and as far away as Khartoum, Sudan.

'The money will be sent to the drought victims a by Monday next week as we get closer to our target amount '. Libaan said.


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