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US commercial litigator Schulman Bhattacharya secures $65m for client in landmark ruling

Sunday January 24, 2021

Bethesda, Maryland (HOL) - A U.S law firm which has in the past been actively involved in Somalia’s assets recovery process has won in a landmark ruling to secure its client $65 million in a petroleum company sale.

Schulman Bhattacharya said Friday it ‘secured a major victory for its clients Andrew Sachs, Sachs Capital, LLC, and related entities.’ In the ruling delivered by Judge Ronald B. Rubin of the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland in the U.S, the defendants-EM Group, LLC, Eli Kimel, Barclay Booth, and Travis Booth were compelled to pay a total of $65 million to the plaintiff.

The three court orders this week brings to $30 million the amounts to be distributed by the defendant in addition to more than $20 million already distributed to Sachs affiliates following orders successfully obtained by Schulman Bhattacharya. The compensations add up to $65 million.

Schuman Bhattacharya has established itself as one of the most authoritative commercial litigators in the U.S and beyond. The law firm has successfully acted for Somalia in monumental asset recovery projects and represented senior government officials.

The firm successfully compelled the UN Security Council last year to apologise and withdraw allegations against Banadir Regional police boss General Sadak Omar Mohamed aka Sadak John linking him to the militant group Al-Shabaab.

Gen. Sadak Omar Mohamed (Sadak John), the commander of the Benadir regional police force

“I would like to inform that the Panel of Experts has clarified upon review of information profusely submitted to the committee by its predecessor- the Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group regarding General Sadak Omar Mohamed that no evidence was found on affiliation to Al-Shabaab and that Gen Sadak is not the subject of current investigations by the Panel,” Chairman of the Somalia Sanctions Committee Philippe Kridelka said last October.

Founding member Jeremy Schulman has represented numerous foreign governments and clients across virtually all industries in the private sector including and not limited to real estate owners, financial institutions, energy ventures and aviation companies.


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