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UNFPA: Violent conflict in Las Anod leaves hundreds dead and thousands displaced

Saturday February 18, 2023

Las Anod (HOL) - Las Anod is currently experiencing a deadly conflict that has led to the loss of lives and the displacement of thousands of people.

According to an interagency assessment report published on February 13th, 2023, the conflict has claimed the lives of over 170 people, including a mother and her seven children. Over 500 people have been injured, and more casualties are expected as the fighting continues.

The crisis in Las Anod has worsened Somalia's situation, which is already grappling with a severe drought and ongoing security challenges. More than 50 schools have been closed, affecting the education of over 15,000 children. An estimated 185,282 individuals have been displaced and forced to relocate to nearby towns, villages, and regions. This has compounded the vulnerabilities of the most affected groups, including women, children, and the elderly, who were already impacted by the drought.

Displaced families face several challenges, including inadequate housing, shortages of medical supplies and drugs in hospitals, and a higher risk of malnutrition, disease outbreaks, and hunger due to difficulties accessing essential life-saving services. Women and girls have experienced the most severe protection concerns during the conflict, compounded by the prolonged drought, putting them at risk.

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Somalia has responded to the Las Anodemergency since the crisis began on December 26th, 2022. UNFPA-supported medical personnel are working around the clock to save lives, and the organization has been providing urgent medical assistance to women of reproductive age, pregnant and lactating women, and injured civilians. UNFPA has been distributing dignity and menstrual hygiene kits and plans to deploy integrated outreach mobile services to serve scattered women of reproductive age in small villages with no health services.

UNFPA urgently requires an additional $1.5 million USD to continue providing critical services, such as maternal health and gender-based violence (GBV) services, to the most vulnerable women and girls in Somalia. The organization is calling on the international and donor community to join them in responding to the crisis and safeguarding the lives of women and girls in Somalia.

The conflict in Las Anodhas compounded the already dire situation in Somalia, and immediate action is required to ensure that the most vulnerable populations receive the necessary medical assistance, essential items, and reproductive health services to survive. With the support of the international and donor community, UNFPA can continue to provide life-saving services to those who need them the most.

Recent news reports have highlighted heavy fighting and conflicting claims over a ceasefire agreement in the town of Las Anod, located in the disputed region of Somaliland. The international community has strongly condemned the continued violence in the area and called for restraint from all parties involved.

The fighting in Las Anod has been ongoing for several days, prompting local religious clerics to call for a ceasefire. The town's mayor has demanded that Somaliland forces withdraw from the area, and there have been reports of a regional humanitarian disaster.

Somaliland has rejected criticism from the international community and doubled down on its claims that the violence is the result of terrorism.


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