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The newly formed Somali cabinet has received mixed reactions among the Somali community world wide. These reactions included uproar as well as some warm receptions from within the Somali community.

We at Hiiraan Online initiated gathering reactions through an adequate mechanism that we wished for to remain fair and balance.

Please feel free to contribute your opinion toward the new Somali government.
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By Dr. Ali Said Faqi

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Every hope for the future of Somalia seems to have a short life and is always mired by warlords who let the world to believe that there will be no Somalia without their blessing. After almost 2 years of negotiations and wrestling in Nairobi, Kenya, the Somali delegates have led the foundation of a Somali parliament, which has later elected a President. As expected the President has picked a Prime minister, who most of us agree as being an excellent choice. We all however, anticipated the formation of the cabinet to be the most difficult challenge facing the Prime Minister considering the fact that he had no choice but to select the cabinet from the parliament. This has further weakened the selection process knowing that all the parliamentarians were selected by the warlords with few exceptions I should say, after forcing IGAD representatives to accept only individuals who appear into their list. There were 2 ways to deal with the cabinet formation issue; the difficulty way and the easy way. The difficult way would have involved the elimination of the warlords and their minions from the executive branch of the government, but this would have been a difficult sell. Therefore, the IGAD, EU and probably the US have pressured the Prime minister and the President to accommodate the corrupt and the warlords into the cabinet. As a result the new cabinet became an exclusive club of warlords and their minions.


By Mohamed Abdi Mohamed (Gacnacadde)

As a proud Somali-American, I am offering my unequivocal support for the new government of Somalia headed by President Abdullahi Yussuf and Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Ghedi.

I gladly offer this support because I recognize that today my homeland is at the crossroads of hope and tragedy. For 13 years Somalia has suffered from a civil war and famine. The toll has been severe. In the absence of a central government, hundreds of thousands of Somalis have lost their lives.

For the last two years dedicated Somalis and supporters from around the world, particularly the Kenyan government, have worked diligently to provide a new era of hope for Somalia. Now is the time for us to show our support for this effort. Yet if the people fail to support the new government, I fear that our darkest days may yet be to come.


Afyare Cabdi Cilmi

Qodobka ugu hadal-heynta badan ee baryahan dadka Soomaaliyeed iska wareystaan waa xukuumadda cusub ee uu Ra’iisul-wasaare Cali Maxamed Geedi uga dhawaaqay Nairobi horraantii bishan. Dad badan baa saluugay halka qaar kale ay taageereen. Haddaba, qormadan waxaan ku falanqeyn doonaa aragtideyda ku aadan xukuumaddan cusub.

Dadka qaar baa qaba inay habbooneyd inuu Ra’iisul-wasaare Geedi magacaabo ugu badnaan 15 wasiir oo aqoon iyo karti leh isagoon u fiirin isku-dheelli-tirka beelaha. Aragti kale ayaa iyaduna ku doodeysa in xaqiiqada hadda dalka ka jirta ay qasbayso in dagaal-oogayaashu ay noqdaan wasiirrada. Qaar badan oo ka mid ah xubnaha baarlamaanku waxay qabaan in qeybinta wasiirrada lagu saleeyo habkii Soomaalidu wax ku qeybsatay ee ahaa afar beelood iyo bar.


President Abdullahi Yussuf failed to pass the first test

By A. Dirshe

After almost a month of anticipation, eagerly waiting for the formation of a representative Somali government, a highly controversial list of ministers was announced. Other posts could not be filled because of outstanding ‘issues’, according to the prime minister’s office. Somalis everywhere are outraged. It is neither an all-inclusive government, nor is it representative. There are only few new ministers who are technocrats and the rest are solely selected because they have met one of two criteria: First, there are those who will not oppose Ethiopia’s interest in Somalia. They are mainly members of the SRRC, an Ethiopia backed faction group. The second group is very interesting and is what I call the “X” factor. They are chosen to provoke an internal struggle among certain groups of the Somali sub-clans. They are mainly from Mogadishu, the capital city of Somalia and will undoubtedly be a factor in what happens next. The president, Mr. Yussuf, a man known for his loyalty to his Ethiopian masters, anticipates violence erupting in Mogadishu anytime soon. By not giving any government post to some of the most powerful groups in Mogadishu, he expects, will provoke strong resistance from them. The actions of this group will determine whether the government’s sabotage succeeds or fails. If, however, violence starts, Mr. Yussuf will undoubtedly run back to his Ethiopian handlers to push for an African army to bring ‘peace’ to the poor Somali nation.


Mohamed Ishaakh

A small miracle is in the making in Somalia. Amid the preoccupation with crises in Sudan, Iraq and Afghanistan, many have failed to notice that peace could finally be coming to one of the world's most notorious trouble spots.

Somalia descended into chaos and anarchy when a popular uprising expelled President Siad Barre on Jan. 27, 1991. Since then, warlords and faction leaders have fought relentlessly, much as warring city states did in medieval Europe, and Somalia has had no central or regional government. While the warlords got rich, Somalia's people paid a heavy price throughout the conflict, none more so than its children.

Every year, Somalia is among the lowest ranked of 163 countries in the Human Development Index compiled by the United Nations Development Program. It currently ranks at 161. One in four Somali children will die before the age of 5; fewer than 25 percent of Somalis have access to clean water; fewer than 20 percent of children are enrolled in primary school and of the few who complete it, only one in eight is a girl.


Gobolka Hiiraan waa gobol muhiimad gaar ah ku leh taariikhda Somaaliyeed waxaana lagu tilmaamaa inuu yahay halbowlaha ama wadnaha waddanka Soomaaliya, marka laga eego meesha uu ku yaalo iyo qeybtii uu ka soo qaatay halgankii xurnimada. Gobolka Hiiraan waxuu ka mid ahaa sideedii gobol ee ugu horeeyey Soomaaliya waxauuna lahaa saami kuraas baarlamaan oo u dhiganta boqolkiiba 20%, golohii barlamaanka ee 1960 – 1969kii.

Gobolka Hiiraan waxaa u ahaa gobol ku can ahaa dhaqdhaqii xurnima doonka ee SYL, waxaana ku dhashay gobolka Hiiraan Maxadweynahii ugu horeeyey ee waddanka Soomaaliya Mudane Aden CabdulleCusmaan (Aden Adde) oo hadda si nabad u deggan dalkiisa hooyo iyo Allaha u naxariistee halyeeyaasha kala ah:

More coming. Stay tuned.............La soco qoraalada soo socda.

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