Today from Hiiraan Online:  _
AMISOM’S Invalauble Contribution to Somalia

Hiiraan Online (Ku aqriso Af-Soomaali)
Saturday, September 03, 2011

African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM)
We live in information saturated times where yesterday’s breaking news is no longer remembered or seen relevant. This is particularly so true in Somalia were even semblance of positive news is often few and far apart. The battered Somali people and the national media seem to be awestricken with the Mogadishu visit of Turkish Prime Minister and streams of other international dignitaries. Yes, this was truly an inspiring moment where Somalis realized they had brotherly country, Turkey.

We, at Hiiraan Online, join the rest of Somalis and register our gratitude.

What we however need is to pause for a moment and ask ourselves: how was it possible for so many prominent international dignitaries to visit and bring hope to Somalia?

The answer brings to the forefront the often forgotten yet real heroes of Somalia – the AMISOM forces particularly Ugandan and Burundi contingents who secured the vital national installations such as the Mogadishu airport and port (were famine aid arrives on daily basis), who protected the nascent Transitional Federal Institutions and heralded the liberation of Mogadishu after more than four years and four months of toil, blood and tears.

The brotherly commitment of the Ugandan and Burundi armies outshine the belated yet positive support of ALL other nations combined because the soldiers of these two countries put their lives on the line when the whole world has literally been adamantly in agreement NOT to deploy troops to Somalia, dispatch humanitarian workers or pay visit to the Somali capital. In December 2008, UN Secretary General Ban ki Moon said that there is “"No Peace to Keep," in Somalia, essentially closing the door to any substantial UN involvement in the country.

Major General Juvénal NIYOYUNGURUZA, the AMISOM Deputy Force Commander, who was killed in a suicide attack  17/09/2009
If it were not the sacrifices of the AMISOM force, the hundreds of thousands of famine victims who have reached government controlled areas would not have been saved. Similarly, if it was not for the protection provided by AMISOM forces, educated and skilled Somalis, who made a significant improvement in rebuilding government institutions, would not have joined the TFG and returned to Somalia. And if it was not for the costly AMISOM sacrifices and resolve, the world media who publicized the suffering of the draught victims and international humanitarian workers that followed suit would not have ventured into Somalia.

Since March 6, 2007, around 26 100 Ugandan and Burundi troops did the Somalia tour, including about 9000 troops currently in Mogadishu. Another 3000 troops are about to be deployed as the authorized strength of AMISOM force is 12,000 though the requested troop level - to pacify throughout the country - is 20,000 troops.

Patrick SIBIHWA, Deputy Battle Group Commander
Many AMISOM soldiers were killed or maimed while attempting to inject peace into the chaotic capital of Mogadishu. The huge sacrifices which Uganda and Burundi contingents paid to rescue the Somali capital is clear from the death of Major General Juvénal NIYOYUNGURUZA, the AMISOM Deputy Force Commander, who was killed in a suicide attack on 17th Sept 2009 and that of Lieutenant colonel Patrick SIBIHWA, Deputy Battle Group Commander, who was killed in liberated Bondere district on 4th June 2011.

AMISOM gains over its adversary had not without a devastating consequence to the civilian populations in Mogadishu. We are always saddened by the loss of lives especially the innocent civilians caught in the crossfire. AMISOM must review its engagement policy and should put in place measures that protects civilians.

When it comes to the friends and brothers of Somalia, Uganda and Burundi are in the front row. Now, as efforts to bring the remaining parts of Mogadishu into the government fold, we extend an appreciation for the sacrifices incurred by AMISOM forces.

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